BRI breakfast time

 In 2017, Dublin, Dublin Science Gallery, Ya slip ta bang

BRI breakfast time, lithium battery charging on the sonic bike back up kit.  Time now to check and pack all tech. The sonic bike team hasn’t been used since Animals March 2015 and inbetween I’ve been teaching bicrophonics and making sensory bikes in Berlin. So as well as a rewind in compositional approaches, there’s also the other tech-head which simply means ensuring I have the right systems for the pi2’s.  Everything is stored and labelled and on testing boots and shouts sonic bikes are loading at just the right moment, so currently, we’re on track.

Also a good weekend in the studio which found further Elka discoveries which I’ve had to record. (..  shame she’s so untransportable, or do I just need a roady as someone said?.. )  and there’s been clear thought with the editing knife sharp.  Hellfire is also slimmed to 37 extracts which Mia is delighted with. Apparently I’ve found the guts behind the story.

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