Pedalling SeaSides (2015)
Reflecting the invasion of human artifice in natural landscapes, Pedalling SeaSides inspires solo or communal riding, running along the dune bike paths from the small seaside town of Kijkduin North East to Duindorp and south west to the sand engine . See here one ride…
Made by Kaffe Matthews in residence for 2 weeks, she responded to the hilly paths through the sand leading riders to sparkling sea vistas urging riders up inclines with rhythm & work song and rewarding along the tops with blistering drones or tiny delicate tones. Inspired by the unique atmosphere of Kijkduin, she also sampled and processed 70’s science fiction music and her collection of fairground organs which – accompanied by alpha waves create an encapsulating bubble from which the rider bursts to begin their journey. One of the most liner and surreal pieces to date, Pedalling SeaSides even manages momentary bike to helicopter transformations.
Commissioned by iii The Hague, Matthews and the BRI were in residence from June 21st-July 6th 2015, hosted at DCR, and locatieZ and supported by Thee aan Zee.
Pedalling SeaSides is open daily at 525 Delta Plein, Kijkduin.
July 4th to August 2nd. DETAILS.
PROJECT BLOG – Read about Pedalling SeaSides and Kaffe’s residency on the BRI Blog.
REVIEW – Journal of Sonic Studies.
REVIEW – Jegensentevens
Image Matteo Marangoni.