Edgard Varèse professorship

 In 2016, Berlin, Development, Professorship, Sensory Bike (bicycle instrument), TU

Kaffe is the first woman to be awarded the Edgard Varèse guest professorship in computer music from the DAAD at TU Audio Communications Group, Berlin, and so she is currently based there, teaching and developing bicrophonicswith post graduate students. Her professorship is covering both practical and theoretical aspects, with the likelihood of new instrumental sonic bikes and works resulting.

Kaffe’s practical course is covering the hardware, software, design and build of a new instrumental sonic bike, constructing sonic bikes from scratch and rethinking methods. Her theoretical course is exploring the application of portable digital technologies to the needs of composing for outdoor spaces by using bicycles, grounded in electro-acoustic, site specific, compositional, social and technological thought around space, listening, architecture, as well as performative, live, multi-channel, installation and durational practices.  Course content in the above links.

DO CONTACT US  if you’re interested to take part. Places still remain.

FOLLOW course progress.


Technische Universität Berlin, Fakultät I Geisteswissenschaften, Institut für Sprache und Kommunikation, Einsteinufer 17c, Sekr. EN 8, 10587 Berlin

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