a twofold test

 In 2015, Coventry, Imagineer, The Coventry Pedalling Games

28th July

Day 2. Inside our lab at Cov Transport Museum, it’s quiet with diligent labour. Outside it’s noisy. Families and groups of kids and Chinese students and seagulls. Yesterday in the square, the #bicrophonics approach was one shot with pitch change on direction. The zones mapped were all triggering different files so distance accuracy seems OK, but the the sound not found sound often played. First thing I check map zone names and sound files loaded and all are present as necessary. I mail DG and TK with ride log codes for input. Also to check we don’t have hidden map gremlins.

Now I spend time making new sounds. Now I am here I hear exactly what is needed. Synthetic. This place, Millenium Place, sits as a boomerang add on of someone’s thought which visually has nothing to do with anything else. Yes there already is chaos so why not add to it/does it matter? Evidence abounds in the architectural jumble of Sainsbury’s, bus station, busy crossing street, monstrous new Student Village 40 storey red black grey eyesore and remnants of failed Millenium art works.

Many people come and go through the place in a steady trickle though whatever the weather. Older Sikh men alone, groups of Chinese students noisy, mums with kids, waiting people, sitting people, walking people, standing people, old couples looking for seats or tea. Today is grey and cold.

Now I expand the crossover area of zones. I make simple rhythmic motifs from supercollider tones that together will weave complexity. Its a twofold test:

1. trying the rhythms against each other as we have multiple bikes playing the different parts

2. checking GPS pickup accuracy of these small zone sizes.

Somehow machinic patterns are emerging. Does this reflect the machinery we are surrounded by here at CTM? or the product of my software/brain. The tones are full of bass and snappy clicks. I am reminded of Senegalese drum pattern complexities as I layer and slightly alter positions of layering. With many bikes rolling, this will be orchestral.

We step outside and the greys have departed. #bicrophonics roll.

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