Ya slip ta bang is in. Opening at 5pm today. Marjorie, Nancy, Linus, Pierre, Erna, and Alexander with mute Lee accompaniment bike, are all loaded with map and music to play as you ride the city [...]
now open at SOUND CHECK, Science Gallery, Dublin. BOOK YOUR RIDE HERE Poverty addiction tie-in. Spoken word. Playing through Dublin. A new collaboration for Kaffe with author Mia Gallagher, based [...]
I’m again impressed with the accuracy of the GPS. The indicators are all in – many re-adjusted to bang in earlier allowing for tricky traffic negotiations – but successfully sounding which way to [...]
Torrential rain plus wind plus Bank Holiday Ireland restricting charger access equates a tricky street testing weekend for bicrophonic composers. However, today proves that the studio work did [...]
Edit time. This piece has a linear narrative, a beginning and an end, and I want riders to find and follow it. So, the alternative routes to the canal and frills on the edges need to go. [...]
Had the great fortune to be able re-record Mia at the fabulous Camden Recording Studio last night, so today has been spent editing and mastering what we did and slipping the results back into the [...]